Sélections officielles
Gala au TIFF / BFI London 2012
A feminist, a communist and an activist in the American civil rights movement, close to the Black Panthers, Angela Davis became involved in the support committee for the Soledad Brothers, three black American prisoners accused of murdering a prison guard in reprisal for the murder of one of their fellow inmates. Accused in 1970 of organizing an escape attempt and hostage-taking that resulted in the death of a California judge and 3 inmates, Angela became the most wanted woman in the United States. Arrested, imprisoned, tried and sentenced to death, she was released for lack of evidence, under pressure from international support committees whose slogan was FREE ANGELA!
Technical specs
Duration : 1h39
Year : 2013
Genre : Documentary
Director : Shola Lynch
Screenplay : Shola Lynch
Cinematography : Bradford Young, (des Reconstitutions) Sandi Sissel ( des interviews)
Sound : Mark Burton, Sarah Chin, Alexandra Gallo, Emmanuel Germond, Dimitri Tisseyre, Olivier Virmont
Editor : Marion Monnier - Lewis Erskine
Production : De films en aiguille (GoGoGo Films) &
Realside productions (USA)
Co-production : Direct Cinéma- Overbrook - Will Smith / Rock Nation - Jay Z
Broadcaster : Jour2fete
Seller : Elle Driver
Financing : Direct 8, La Région Ile-de-France, Canal +, The Ford Foundation, Black Entertainment Television Networks, Tribeca All Access, Procirep - Angoa, New York State Council on the Arts, Paul Newman Foundation, The Independent Television Service, The Corporation for Public Broadcasting, The Sundance Institute Documentary Film Program